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Qualified annotators#

During our research, we identified several related works that described the disagreements between annotators as the most difficult part of the annotation process. To mitigate this problem, we introduced a training process that will be used to train our annotators.

A qualified annotator must have the following skills:

  • Basic English because the tool used to annotate the text is written in English.
  • Native Portuguese as the texts presented in the dataset are in Brazilian Portuguese.
  • A good understanding of offensive language (in Portuguese) and how to detect it. The concepts will be explained in Annotation Guidelines.

Additionally, the annotators will be trained by the course Comunicação Não Violenta - FECAP with the following content program:

  • Differences between negativity and toxicity in communication and behavior;
  • Toxic people and behavior;
  • Assertive behavior and communication;
  • Non-violent communication, awareness and non-judgment.

Last update: March 1, 2023